Test Metrics

[Me] :- I am still not clear with what is meant by test metrics?

[Guruji]:- Ok, to simplify, test metrics are parameters to objectively measure the software testing process on various aspects like

·         Test Effort

·         Test Schedule

·         Test Status

·         Defects

·         Test Efficiency

·         Test Effectiveness

[Me] :- But , what are its benefits, I always see it as pain to collect this info?

[Guruji]:- Well’ll are process are a pain in the beginning, but then they ease out after a period. I can summarize the benefits for you , if that helps you.

·         To quantitatively analyze the current level of maturity in testing and set goals/objectives for future

·         To provide means for managing, tracking and controlling the status of testing

·         To provide a basis for estimation (Today’s data is tomorrow’s historic data)

·         To objectively measure the effectiveness and efficiency of testing

·         To identify areas for process improvements

·         To give insight into the quality of the product

[Me] :- There are so many metric, which are to be collected?

[Guruji]:- Broadly the metrics can be classified as Base Metrics which needs data and then we have the Derived Metrics. So in effect

Base Metrics

Derived Metrics

Project Management Metrics

Test efficiency metrics

Test Progress Metrics

Test Effectiveness metrics

Defects Metrics

Group Standard testing Metrics


Vinay Jagtap

A hard core Technocrat with over a decade of extensive experience in heading complex test projects coupled with real time experience of project management and thought leadership. Extensive experience in Performance, Security and Automation Testing and development of automation frameworks and ability to setup and execute Global service centers and Center of Excellences for testing.

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