How to break software? - 15

[Me] :- Let’s look at various attacks through the operating system?

[Guruji]:- ok, while we do that let’s exclude the file system.

OS attack # 1

Exhaust the amount of physical memory

·         Does the application handle cases when no more free memory is available on the heap?

·         C/C++ coders:  When was the last time you checked if your “new” call returned null?

·         Can also test under varying amounts of memory or generating other memory faults

OS attack # 2

Inject Network Faults

·         Explore network traffic, load on a particular port, or loss of services (e.g. network is down, port unavailable)

·         Useful to examine performance

·         E.g., on versions of IE can lose current page if network shut down

Some of these system faults are difficult to generate, e.g.

·         Out of memory

·         Locked memory

·         Out of disk space

·         CRC errors

[Me] :- Do any tools exist to simulate the system software

 [Guruji]:- yes, Tester can inject faults of choosing

·         Ex. Canned HEAT or Holodeck from Florida Institute of Technology

Virtual machine, e.g. VM Ware of Virtual Server

Vinay Jagtap

A hard core Technocrat with over a decade of extensive experience in heading complex test projects coupled with real time experience of project management and thought leadership. Extensive experience in Performance, Security and Automation Testing and development of automation frameworks and ability to setup and execute Global service centers and Center of Excellences for testing.

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