
Canonicalization mistakes are caused when your application makes a security decision based on a name (such as a filename, a directory name, or a URL) and more than one representation of the resource name exists, which can lead to the security check being bypassed.

Test Cases

1. For all vulnerable API, attempt to read/write files using the following variations: “FileName::$DATA” and “File~Name.txt”

2. Attempt to read/write a file by using parent paths (i.e. /../../autoexec.bat).

3. Use hexadecimal escape codes (i.e. %20, the space character) to represent characters in an attempt to read/write a file.

4. Use UTF-8 variable-width encoding to read/write a file. UTF-8 variable encoding allows one character to potentially map to multiple-byte representations, and thus can be problematic. For instance, use %c0%af (which stands for //) to read/write a file.

5. Use UCS-2 Unicode encoding and double encoding

6. Use HTML escape codes (i.e. < and >) to read/write a file from a web page (if applicable).

7. Pass a really long file name in an attempt to read/write a file.

Analyze the data management layer for code that inputs file paths and explore for canonicalization mistakes


Vinay Jagtap

A hard core Technocrat with over a decade of extensive experience in heading complex test projects coupled with real time experience of project management and thought leadership. Extensive experience in Performance, Security and Automation Testing and development of automation frameworks and ability to setup and execute Global service centers and Center of Excellences for testing.

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