Problems in Metrics

Quality is hard to assess and our measurement systems are ineffective resulting in ship decisions that can negatively impact our quality. We use OCA analysis - What else? Are we testing the right things - What classes of things are we missing that our customers see?   What is the effectiveness of our tests?  When are we going to ship?  What is the quality and when will we get there?  God, this thing always grows on you.

1. Articulating quality of product

2. Coverage – block, functional, user scenario, … What are the ‘right’ goals?

3. Bugs found by: Customer vs. Internal (non-team) vs. Team found.

4. Regressions

5. Lots of possible metrics, so question is: What are the core set all teams need to measure? How to relate other (old and new) metrics to quality?

6. Establishing Ship Criteria – what’s the right set to base ship/no-ship decisions on?

7. Test Effectiveness – including measuring changes

8. How to define "Done"

9. Is it "good"?

--For items 8 & 9, i am contemplating of writing a paper and filing for patency

10. Customer perception of quality is low

--this soft phrasing still makes it sound like it's the customers' problem

11. Ineffective measurement systems

--or worse, "misleading measurement systems"

12.Measuring Product Quality


Vinay Jagtap

A hard core Technocrat with over a decade of extensive experience in heading complex test projects coupled with real time experience of project management and thought leadership. Extensive experience in Performance, Security and Automation Testing and development of automation frameworks and ability to setup and execute Global service centers and Center of Excellences for testing.

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