SMAF - State Machine based test automation framework

I am proposing a few thoughts of mine, which i intend to convert into a white paper and eventually build this whole harness at some point. Till then ,i will keep revisiting my initial thoughts to give it something more everytime

Model-based testing allows large numbers of test cases to be generated from a description of the behavior of the system under test. Given the same description and test runner, many variations of scenarios can be exercised and large areas of the application under test can be covered, thus leading to a more effective and more efficient testing process

Current State:
Approach1: Is a typical hands-on tester, manually running all tests from the keyboard. Hands-on testing is common throughout the industry today—it provides immediate benefits, but in the long run it is tedious for the tester and expensive for the company.

Approach2 practices what we call “static test automation.” Static automation scripts exercise the same sequence of commands in the same order every time. These scripts are costly to maintain when the application changes. The tests are repeatable; but since they always perform the same commands, they rarely find new bugs.

Approach3 operates closer to the cutting edge of automated testing. These types of “random” test programs are called dumb monkeys because they essentially bang on the keyboard aimlessly. They come up with unusual test action sequences and find many crashing bugs, but it’s hard to direct them to the specific parts of the application you want tested. Since they don’t know what they are doing, they miss obvious failures in the application.

Approach4 combines the other testers’ approaches with a type of intelligent test automation called “model-based testing.” Model-based testing doesn’t record test sequences word for word like static test automation does, nor does it bang away at the keyboard blindly. Model-based tests use a description of the application’s behavior to determine what actions are possible and what outcome is expected.
This automation generates new test sequences endlessly, adapts well to changes in the application, can be run on many machines at once, and can run day and night

Vinay Jagtap

A hard core Technocrat with over a decade of extensive experience in heading complex test projects coupled with real time experience of project management and thought leadership. Extensive experience in Performance, Security and Automation Testing and development of automation frameworks and ability to setup and execute Global service centers and Center of Excellences for testing.

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