[Me]:- Guruji, what questions can I ask myself or raise as clarifications to sort client side issues?
[Guruji]:- You can ask yourself these questions to elucidate client side issues
1) Can users behind proxies and firewalls use the application effectively? Certain requests can be refused by some older firewalls.
2) Is client-side caching relied upon?
3) Are there any temp files created? This question could also apply to the server side.
4) Do any files created rely on a particular name? What if another file of that name was already created? What if a folder of that name has been created there? I have seen programs handle assumed file and path names well and increment a number on the end. Try creating a file and adding those numbers, or the DBCS number, on the end.
5) What are the permissions on these files?
6) Does your feature allow scripts to run?
7) Can anything be embedded in input areas? (Images dropped in, files, controls with code behind them, and so on)
8) Is data stored securely locally?