How to Implement Test Automation Framework Methodology

[Me] :- Guruji, we would like to implement a test automation framework. Can you please throw some light on its methodology?

[Guruji]:- Sure can. Here is a 10 step process for you to start

Identification of the Scope of Testing: Company Oriented, Product Oriented, Project Oriented
Identification of the Needs of Testing: Identify Types of testing e.g. FT, Web Services etc. and application/modules to be tested.
Identification of the Requirements of Testing: Find out the Nature of Requirements, Identification of type of actions for each requirement & identification of High Priority Requirements
Evaluation of the Test Automation Tool: Preparation of Evaluation Checklist, Identification of the Candidate Tools Available, Sample Run, Rate & Select the Tool, Implementation & Training
Identification of the Actions to be automated: Actions, Validations & Requirements supported by the Tool
Design of the Test Automation Framework: Framework Guidelines, Validations, Actions Involved, Systems Involved, Tool Extensibility Support, Customs Messages & UML Documentation
Design of the Input Data Bank: Identification of Types of Input file, Categorization & Design of File Prototypes
Development of the Automation Framework: Development of Script based upon Framework Design, Driver Scripts, Worker Scripts, Record / Playback, Screen / Window / Transaction, Action / Keyword & Data Driven
Population of Input Data Bank: Different Types of Data Input, Population of Data from Different Data Sources, Manual Input of Data and Parent – Child Data Hierarchy
Configuration of the Schedulers: Identify Scheduler Requirements & Configure the Schedulers

Vinay Jagtap

A hard core Technocrat with over a decade of extensive experience in heading complex test projects coupled with real time experience of project management and thought leadership. Extensive experience in Performance, Security and Automation Testing and development of automation frameworks and ability to setup and execute Global service centers and Center of Excellences for testing.

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