[Me] :- Guruji, please tell me how to break and attack software?
[Guruji]:- Hmn.. Even though it’s a very basic question you have asked, I am sure that there are very few people who know the tricks. I am glad you asked. Testing is not something that one can master, you always have something new to learn. [Me] :- J [Guruji]:- To break software we need to attack the software from various perspectives. [Me] :- Oh , how difficult can we get [Guruji]:- Ok, let’s analyze the attacks. You could subject a system to· User Interface attacks - comprising of black box & open box techniques
· System Interface attacks – comprising of File system & Operating systems [Me] :- Wow!!! I did not know all these, all I did was pound the application whenever I was handed one.[Guruji]:- That’s the subtle difference between a tester and good tester. A good tester always analyses
[Continued in the next day’s post]