Metrics for Evaluating system testing

[Me] :- Guruji, what are the metrics for evaluating system testing?

[Guruji]:-  Well to start off,

Metric = Formula
Test Coverage = Number of units (KLOC/FP) tested / total size of the system. (LOC represents Lines of Code)
Number of tests per unit size = Number of test cases per KLOC/FP (LOC represents Lines of Code).
Acceptance criteria tested = Acceptance criteria tested / total acceptance criteria
Defects per size = Defects detected / system size
Test cost (in %) = Cost of testing / total cost *100
Cost to locate defect = Cost of testing / the number of defects located
Achieving Budget = Actual cost of testing / Budgeted cost of testing
Defects detected in testing = Defects detected in testing / total system defects
Defects detected in production = Defects detected in production/system size
Quality of Testing = No of defects found during Testing/(No of defects found during testing + No of acceptance defects found after delivery) *100
Effectiveness of testing to business = Loss due to problems / total resources processed by the system.
System complaints = Number of third party complaints / number of transactions processed
Scale of Ten = Assessment of testing by giving rating in scale of 1 to 10
Source Code Analysis = Number of source code statements changed / total number of tests.
Effort Productivity = Test Planning Productivity = No of Test cases designed / Actual Effort for Design and Documentation
Test Execution Productivity = No of Test cycles executed / Actual Effort for testing


Vinay Jagtap

A hard core Technocrat with over a decade of extensive experience in heading complex test projects coupled with real time experience of project management and thought leadership. Extensive experience in Performance, Security and Automation Testing and development of automation frameworks and ability to setup and execute Global service centers and Center of Excellences for testing.

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